Tell Tales, 2019, survey markers and wood, 36x36x36”
Tell Tales, 2019, survey markers and wood, 36x36x36”
Survey I, 2023, survey tape and thread on paper, 14x17”
Survey II (detail), 2023, survey tape and thread on paper, 14x17”
Ghost Warning, 2022, nylon mesh, 36x36”
Ghost Warning, detail 2022, nylon mesh, 36x36”
Yankee Ghost I, nylon mesh and thread, 2023, 15x11”
Yankee Ghost I (detail), nylon mesh and thread, 2023, 15x11”
Yankee Ghost II, nylon mesh and thread, 2023, 15x11”
Yankee Ghost II (detail), nylon mesh and thread, 2023, 15x11”
Y is for Yankee, 2019, faux fur on panel, 26x34x4”
I is for Imprint, faux fur on panel, 2017, 36x36x4”